The RenderMark project is a web-based application designed to render parsed Markdown text on video templates, providing a convenient platform for users to create and download customized videos.


  • Markdown Editor: Allows users to enter text and images using a Markdown editor.

  • Image Conversion: Converts images pasted from the clipboard into links for efficient rendering.

  • Template Management: Displays a list of available video templates for user selection.

  • Markdown Parsing: Parses Markdown files to extract text and images for video rendering.

  • Task Creation: Enables users to create rendering tasks, specifying the video template and input data.

  • Video Rendering: Utilizes MoviePy, a video editing module, to render the video using the selected template and extracted data.

  • Task Management: Provides a task management system for monitoring and tracking rendering tasks.

  • Task Status Viewing: Allows users to view the status of their rendering tasks in real-time.

  • Video Download: Enables users to download the rendered video upon completion.

Technologies Used

  • FastAPI: A Pythonic framework for building the backend, providing a fast and efficient web application.

  • Celery Tasks: A task queue or job queue based on distributed message passing, enhancing the application’s scalability.

  • MoviePy: A versatile video editing module for basic operations, video compositing, and more, utilizing ffmpeg.

  • Docker: Containerizes the application for easy deployment and scalability.

Experience the power of RenderMark, where creativity meets efficiency in rendering customized videos.