This project involves the implementation of a handwriting recognition system using a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). The system reads images using the opencv-python
library and utilizes a model defined in the following code:
Data Preprocessing
The dataset is preprocessed by splitting it into training and testing sets. The images are reshaped to a size of 28x28 pixels, and the corresponding labels are one-hot encoded.
Convolutional Neural Network Model
The CNN model is defined with three convolutional layers followed by max-pooling layers. It concludes with fully connected layers for classification.
Model Training
The model is compiled using the Adam optimizer and categorical crossentropy loss. Training is performed for a specified number of epochs.
Command Line Interface (CLI)
The project includes a CLI for convenient interaction. The CLI usage is stated below:
python [options]
: Outputs recognized words in speech form.--show-input
: Displays processed input image.--show-sample-data
: Displays sample dataset images.
Technologies Used
- OpenCV-Python: For reading and processing images.
- Matplotlib: For visualizing data and images.
- NumPy: For numerical operations on data.
- Keras: For building and training the CNN model.
- TensorFlow: As the backend for Keras.
- Click: For creating a Command Line Interface (CLI).